#AlmightyPeople Matt Willocks
#AlmightyPeople Matt Willocks

Hey Matt! Can you tell us a little about what it is that you do?
I’m still trying to figure that one out myself, however, I know what I wanna offer my community so that’s a solid start. Professionally, I manage Community Programs for Lululemon Aus + NZ, specifically, the Ambassadors + Social Impact programs. It’s a pretty amazing role, and I’m consistently engaging with people elevating their communities through movement or mindfulness. Think, ultra-runners, yogis, meditation teachers, creatives, entrepreneurs, and many other influential leaders throughout our communities.
Things sure do rub off, so there is a lot of crossover on how I bring this into my personal life, tbh, I don’t think there’s much of a divide between the two, I’m very grateful that my work/life balance is very much in alignment.
What’s AM:PM run crew all about?
AM:PM.RC is a creatively led independent running crew based in Melbourne/Naarm. The crew champions its collective community by pushing each other in both running and creative pursuits. For coming up eight years, we’re for strengthening artistic outputs, collaborative ideas and striving for personal growth and personal bests.
I joined the crew 5 years ago, at a time when I was looking for a change in my life. This community of interesting humans provided me with a space/platform in supporting that change. AM:PM helped me to where I am now, and now, my focus is to give similar opportunities to those that run with us today and be a leader in this space.
We are family and a community, embodying the core values of Curiosity, Vulnerability, Growth, + Openness. Everything we do leads to creative output and experimentation with running.
We run hard, fast, and strong; we run relaxed, mindfully, and openly. We are AM:PM Running Crew.
How often do you hit the pavement? Both individually and with the crew?
I’m usually a 3 or 4 times a week kinda person, this year I’m definitely using running as a method for connection. What I mean by that is I’m linking up with people for a run rather than a meeting or zoom call. Win-win, I reckon – plus my focus has shifted a little round training for goal races. I’m more focused on creating community around running at the moment.
As a crew, we link up every other Tuesday night for a community-run, super chilled pace, a moment for people new and old to the community to come to link up and debrief on what’s going on for them. Plus, every Thursday morning at Collingwood track, this is a time to up the tempo and get into some speed work for upcoming races. As always, the vibe is strong, high-fives are flowing and chat is always at an all-time. Always leave both of these sessions feeling super jazzed and energized.
In a time of rollercoaster uncertainty, how do you find balance and motivation?
Ohh great question, I think there are two ways I navigate this, one is by creating certainty. Creating good daily habits, and structure in my day ensures my habits amplify my output. This also enables time for uncertainty or spontaneity, I’m trying more and more to lean into uncertainty and back myself in uncertain situations, trusting my embodied attributes to kick in. Put simply, I ensure I connect with myself, others, and the environment on the daily. Nine times outta ten something creative or a learning comes out of it.
What made you want to move across the ditch to Melbs?
Curiosity, don’t get me wrong I love Dunners (legend factory), and Aotearoa. However, there is a big, bad world out there. So I’m trying to explore as much of it as possible. At the moment, Melbourne/Naarm is home.
Learn more about AM:PM.RC / Image by @benclement